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Ng Yan Nga

A Special Christmas Party

Every year, my family and I would join a Christmas party. This year is no exception. At the Christmas party, there was a lot of delicious food, such as turkey, pizza, pudding and more. My mouth was already watering when I looked at the food!

After we ate the best dinner, it was time for the next part, which was the “Lucky draw”. The host was Mr Wong, and he told us the first prize was an iPhone 15. We were all excited but nervous at the same time. We all hoped that we could win the first prize. As he announced each number, I looked at my paper but had no luck. I was starting to lose hope. Suddenly, he announced a number that caught my attention, “5-2-3-4-1” he shouted. I looked at my paper and I ran to the front with excitement in my heart.

Suddenly, I heard a soft sound in the crowd saying, “But mine also got that number.” Then, Mr Wong looked at my ticket because there was only one first prize ticket. He turned to me and said, “Your ticket says 5-2-3-1-4, not 5-2-3-4-1, sorry.”

At that moment, I didn’t know how to respond. I was so embarrassed. I sadly returned to my seat, feeling ashamed at the same time. I was so disappointed and tears started to roll down from my eyes. My mom sat beside me and comforted me, “It is okay. I will buy you something else. What do you want?” she said. I didn’t reply. A few minutes later, I told my parents that I was fine. I just enjoyed the Christmas party and spent time with my family because I understood. Christmas was not just about presents and gifts, it was about love, care and spending time with your family or friends.

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Miss Chung

You wrote an interesting Christmas party! The conversation and the thoughts made your writing coherent and vivid. It’s perfect! Would you like to be a writer in the future? 🙂

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