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Yip Heung Ching

The Interests of My Friends

What are your interests? What do you enjoy doing the most? I have interviewed my friends about their interests. Do you have the same interests as them?

Natalie likes playing the harp. Natalie likes playing the harp because she thinks that the sound of the harp is very relaxing. She likes to play it when she is frustrated. She also thinks that playing the harp is very elegant and unique. Natalie has started learning how to play the harp not too long ago. She thinks that the harp is the most interesting instrument in the world.

Marie is interested in drawing. She thinks that drawing helps her to be more creative and she can develop new skills. Her favourite things to draw are little animals. She thinks that drawing is a very fun, interesting and calming hobby. Marie also thinks that drawing is better than any other art activities.

Dancing is Carly’s favourite hobby. She loves dancing because dancing can help her meet new friends and develop different kinds of dancing skills. She has learnt dancing since she was three years old. She has learnt different kinds of dance but she likes ballet the most. Through ballet, she learns different types of steps. She thinks dancing is more fun than reading.

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