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Lian Yu Chi

2 Day 1 Night Camper

I enjoy many things, and camping is one of them. I have had many experiences of camping, but the one I like most is the 2 day 1 night camp. I arrived at Central Pier and found my group. The tour guide and we quickly set off. On the first day of the camp, I was so excited for a new experience, and I could tell that Alex, Kalye, Chole and Sherlock, who have been my friends since kindergarten, and my sister, felt the same. When we arrived at Mui Wo, I couldn’t help to be the first one to pick up my backpack and rush out of the boat. First, we bought supplies from the supermarket at the pier, and rode a bus to the campsite, where we made our own lunch. It wasn’t easy. First, we had to divide the group into making different dishes where Chole and I were put in charge of the vegetables. Then we washed and cooked them while watching Alex and Sherlock’s pot, where they were cooking the chicken wings, erupt like a volcano. After a big fuss, we finally could sit down and enjoy our lunch. Although we were all sweaty, I was too hungry to care.

After lunch, we went to put down our things and set off to the first of the adventures: climbing the famous Lantau Peak. It was challenging to climb the mountain with a rock for a bag, but we still managed it well enough. While climbing, there was water everywhere. The tour guide, Mr Dickson, told us to avoid them. But while he was explaining, Alex stepped into the water. Not long after, Kayle lost her grip and fell into the water. Although I felt sorry for her, I couldn’t help but smirk a little.

Then, we met up with other campers and went zip-lining on a giant boulder. It was so big, that I had to climb to the top, I heard a lot of screaming. I looked down to see I was so high up that I nearly shouted, but when I zipped down, I felt like I was a super hero flying into action.
I had a blast during these two days. I sincerely hope I can try it again soon.

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Miss Sarah

Wow, Lucus! I always look forward to your piece. Great use of language and tense. You’re certainly made me want to go camping soon.

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