國際預科文憑課程IB昨天放榜。這兩天我們陸續收到啓思小學畢業生們的好消息。學校除了感到欣喜,更為他們的成就感到自豪! 這一刻,他們的努力,專注,成長得到肯定!這群學生中,有不少自幼稚園開始便在啓思三校(啓思小學附屬幼稚園,啓思小學,啓思中學)的理念下成長。在他們踏上新航道的夢想及人生旅程上,啓思會繼續為他們加油!
The International Baccalaureate (IB) program released its results yesterday. In the past few days, we have received good news from graduates of Creative Primary School one after another. The school not only feels delighted but also proud of their achievements. At this moment, their efforts, concentration, and growth are recognized! Among these students, many have been growing up under the philosophy of Creative Schools Continuum (including Creative Primary School’s Kindergarten, Creative Primary School, and Creative Secondary School) since their early years in kindergarten. As they embark on their new journeys and dreams in life, Creative Schools Continuum will continue to cheer them on!