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Tsoi An Kiu

Princess Diana

The person that inspired me is Princess Diana. She has two children, Prince Harry and William.

Princess Diana is a very pretty woman with short hair. She was widely known for her charitable work. She was independent, elegant and wise.

Princess Diana was born on 1st July, 1961 and died on 31st August, 1997. She married Prince Charles when she was 20.She died because of a car crash in the Pontde’l Ama tunnel in Paris. There was a rumour that Princess Diana cheated on Prince Charles, and that the reason for the accident was the Paparazzi that chased her. Her last words were, “My god, what has happened?” She was 36 years old when she died.

Part of her charm was due to the fact that she genuinely cared for those around her. She was a president or patron of over 100 charities. What I admire about her is that she is so caring and kind. “Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you.”- Princess Diana.

She inspired me to be a nice and kind person. She taught me that we need to have empathy and compassion for others.

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Miss Chung’s comment:

Hi, Cadence
Princess Diana is an angel. British citizens and people from other countries love her very much. It’s shocked when she passed away. We can learn from her beautiful heart!

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