Klaus Sophia
Rain Frogs
I love rain frogs, some people may hate or be scared of frogs, snakes or lizards. But I’m not. I love these creatures a lot, somehow, I think all of them are so cute, I don’t know why. Today we will talk about one of my many favourite animals Rain Frogs.
Most of rain frogs are illegal to keep as a pet, but one of the 33 kinds of rain frogs can be kept as pets. As much as I love them, they are wildly caught, plus it is difficult to keep them as pets because they can starve to death easily if they don’t eat.
Now I would talk about why I love them. Rain Frogs are so cute. They have short tongues, short feet, fat body. They look like a potato. They have big eyes of cuteness and they have cute looking butt.
These little froggies live in the Africa dessert. When it rains, they go out of the cave they dug and start looking for food.
Teacher’s comment:
Yes, they are unique + rare +many people find them cute too!