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Chan Ho Wan Mattias

My Day At The Atomic Bomb Museum

When I visited Japan, I went to the Naga Saki Atomic Bomb Museum.

In the museum, the first thing I saw that caught my eye was a long string near the stairs. But when I looked closer, I realized a string of paper doves folded by the Nagasaki citizens meaning they hoped the people did not make it rest in peace.

When I entered the first room, there was debris that survived the radiation. The most interesting and sad thing that I saw was an old clock, it was painted at the time 11:02 which means when the bomb exploded, time just seemed to stop at exactly 11:02.

In the second room, I saw a model of the bomb that was almost two doors tall. It was yellow with a red and black seal. When the bomb was launched, it opened some compartments where tiny bombs were stored to launch them and cause more destruction.

I hope this will never have to happen again. I hope more people will come to understand the true dangers.

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Teacher comment:

When I read your T.W., it reminds are of the day I visited that museum too. It’s certainly not a place for the light-hearted people. As you said, hope this will never happen again.

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