To Chin Yu Natalie
The Carnival Holiday Trip
It was finally spring break! My parents planned a little carnival trip for my brothers and I get to have fun and to relax.
Before going to the carnival, we packed our backpacks with everything needed, including our water bottles, towels, money, clothes and so on. Then we hopped on to my dad’s car and were ready for the day.
Once we arrived at the carnival, it was crowded with people. I was shocked that the carnival was so big! First, my dad took out some money and added value to the card. “Alright, now you three can go play with this card.” My dad said. I wanted to play a “basket-throw” game but when we were on our way there, I saw a really high and long roller coaster that made me feel frightened because I’m deeply afraid of them.
After playing “basketball-throw”, we went to play something else, like a few of my favorites. “quack the duck”, “arrow-archery”, “In-it-goes” and many more. “Let’s eat some food. There is a taco truck here.” my mum said. My family all said, “Sure!” But I didn’t agree, “Can’t we play a few more games first? I’m not even hungry.” “Mmm… How about finishing our food first, okay?” my mom said. I got upset and bitter, so instead of standing there, I secretly left by myself, alone. While I was walking around to find a game to play, I saw a game that attracted me, “hoop-in”. I remember the time I played when I was young, just looking at that game remind me of my childhood memories, so I decided to play that game!
After playing “hoop-in” for a while, I noticed that the sky was dark, and I had no idea where my family was. I was lost. I was very scared and didn’t know what to do. I don’t have my phone on me. So, I asked a stranger if I could borrow his phone real quick to go call my mother, “Come on, pick up!” “Mum! Where are you? I’ve been looking for you everywhere!” I asked with fright. “Where are you? We’ve been looking for you everywhere!” my mum nervously shouted through the phone. “I’m at “hoop-in”, the carnival game, please come!” “We’re coming!” And soon, the call was hung up, and we all found each other.
After this carnival trip, I learnt to have more awareness of my own safety and should never leave by myself because I could get lost in big places, like the carnival.