Chan Shu Wa Jasmine
Cyber Red Riding Hood
In the woods, a little cottage stood in the middle. In the cottage, Little Red and her
family lived there.
Beep Beep! Little Red’s alarm clock went off, Little Red said, “I’m going to Granny’s!”
She grabbed her special necklace, a cake and went off on her motorcycle.
Vroom! Little Red travelled through the forest. Suddenly, the big bad wolf pounced in
front! “Oh, where do you think you’re going?” He snared. “I’m going to my granny’s
home.” Little Red said. The wolf thought to himself “I’m going to have a big meal!”
The wolf took a short cut to granny’s house, he gobbled granny up and dressed up as
granny, laid on her bed, and pretended to be sick.
Little Red arrived at granny’s house, she saw pointy ears and hid herself next to the
wall, and she thought “The wolf! He ate granny! Oh he’s gonna pay, I might as well
She stepped inside and said, “Oh granny! I bought cake for you!” The wolf said in a high pitched voice. “You can put it over here my dear!” “Oh, what a big nose you
have,” she said. “The better to smell you wit” said the wolf. “You’re going down” thought Little Red.
Just then, Cyber Red Riding Hood pulled a laser sword from her cyber motor cycle, and started fighting. The wolf wasn’t that bad… Ok, he’s bad, but Cyber Red was awesome, and just when Cyber Red was going to hurt him, she stopped and said “If you do this kind of thing one more time, your going to pay!” And the wolf ran away terrified!
Ms. Rebecca’s Comment:
Wow, she’s brave, bold and a quick thinker! I don’t think the wolf will mess with her