Cheung Wai Hin Carson
My Super Hero
My Super Hero has a coat, cape, mask and a top hat. The colour of his coot and
cape is black and his mask and his top hat is black, too. He is a mysterious Super
Hero. He rides a big motorcycle. He saved a lot of people. Even when you are far, he
can still hear what you are doing. When the bad guy hurts peoples, he will save
them. His power is super strength and super speed. He is a genius. He likes to eat
pizza and ice cream. He lives in USA Hollywood. His parents abandoned him in the
street. He got a pet dog. His dog’s name is Bingo. My super hero name is Max Cheung.
Aka Max Jr.
Teacher’s comment:
This is a great description! I can just imagine him roaring after some bad guys on his
Motorcycle, his black cape billowing behind him.