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Lian Yu Chi

A Thief

One Saturday morning, Annie and Kenny helped out with volunteer work by selling flags for a charity. They worked long and hard. By the afternoon, they had sold up to a hundred flags! By then, Kenny and Annie were very tired. “Let's go have lunch before we continue,” Kenny said.

Then, they went to a nearby fast food shop and had an enjoyable lunch with each other, literally forgetting everything they had done in the past morning.

As time passed, the two finished their meals and were ready to continue. When they discovered something that scared the living daylights out of them, their flag bags disappeared! “Oh no! What should we do now? Anne cried, on the verge of panic.

Suddenly, Kenny spotted a man in a black cap who left with two flat bags in a hurry. He reckoned that person was the thief and ran after him, leaving Anne behind. Luckily, the thief was tripped and dropped the bags. Kenny was able to retrieve them. “That was close!” Kenny thought.

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